Welcome to the world of Bonfire - the legendary token that captured hearts and minds in 2021, and now, it's setting the Ethereum blockchain ablaze! Get ready to witness an inferno of innovation and excitement as Bonfire makes its grand entrance into the world of DeFi on the Ethereum network.

Join us
  • Passionate Holders
  • Unique Concept
  • Burning Desire
  • Unparalleled Potential

About Bonfire

In 2021, the Bonfire token exploded onto the scene like a roaring bonfire, gaining a dedicated community of passionate holders and believers. People from all walks of life rallied around the project, drawn together by its unique concept and the warmth of camaraderie it brought to the crypto space. As the flames of success grew higher, so did the desire to share the Bonfire experience with the entire Ethereum ecosystem.

Now, in 2023, the moment we've all been waiting for is here: the Bonfire team has harnessed the fiery power of their token and fused it with the unparalleled potential of the Ethereum blockchain. This union promises to set the entire DeFi space ablaze with unprecedented growth and prosperity.

The Bonfire team, composed of seasoned blockchain experts and visionaries, has been tirelessly stoking the flames of innovation. With a burning desire to create lasting value and bring laughter to the crypto community, they've infused Bonfire with the essence of excitement and adventure.

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Our Tokenomics

In order to successfully keep a project on track, it is important to have thoughtful tokenomics to ensure satisfaction on investors and developers side.

Here you will find an overview of the most important points:

- Contract: 0x49B984D9a2aE608F91D02e98aD53735b0Ebb13BD

- Total Supply: 1,000,000

- Final Buy Tax: 2%

-Final Sell Tax: 2%

- Liquidity Lock Time:

Buy Tokens now !
  • NAME


  • Symbol


  • Total Supply


  • Final Tax


Bonfire V1 Roadmap

Phase 01

Launch of the Website

- Design and development of the Bonfire website

Phase 02

Building the Bonfire Community

- Creation of a community platform for users to engage with each other
- Launch of community-based activities and competitions
- Expansion of the Bonfire community

Phase 03

Implementation of Heavy Marketing Plans

- - Launch of a comprehensive marketing plan including digital marketing, PR campaigns, and events
- Increased awareness and attraction of new users

Phase 04

Listing on Top Tier Exchanges

- Listing of the Bonfire platform on top tier exchanges

Phase 05

Continuous Monitoring and improvement

- Ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the Bonfire platform